Friday, March 2, 2018


Today was a full day! After morning devotion Team 1 headed to the farm and used the machete to cut plantains, filled more soil bags and continued working with the pick ax on the road coming into the farm.



Jothan and Logan


Kristi, Gaby, Pat, Kiana, Cambs

Working on the road

Working on the road

Team 2 headed to the church at Merida to continue working. The men worked on the church and after a while, the ladies headed to a house of one of the Merida church members to share testimonies. It was a sweet time.

Working on the church

Working on the church

Working by the church

Fellowship and testimony time with ladies of Merida

In the afternoon the team served together doing sports evangelism at a lightning volleyball tournament for members of the community. The gringos had a team and also were able to play basketball and soccer later on as well. The team also performed the "Chains" play to share the gospel with the people there.

Elena, Nicole and Kristi

Shawna and Levi


Chains play at sports evangelism

Chains play

Lightning volleyball tournament

Afterwards the team jumped in the lake back at the farm to cool off! Everyone was thankful to be able to do that! Then the team headed to a worship evangelism concert. It was an amazing evening praising our Lord and Savior with brothers and sisters in Christ here on Ometepe Island. There were also many unbelievers there and we pray that they were drawn to Christ through Pastor Hamilton's message!

Lake time

Petra Balgue

Evangelism concert

We give glory to God for what He is doing here!

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