Tuesday, February 27, 2018


From Elena Oard, Junior:
Today, after breakfast we went from the hotel to the Petra Church in Managua and had orientation with Pastor Hamilton. Afterwards, we played volleyball and soccer on the compound with a couple of the church members, organized bins and had lunch.

After that we departed for Ometepe Island. I was really excited to see what the lake looked like and what the island would be like compared to Managua. I thought the ferry ride was super fun and I loved looking at the volcano.

This is my first mission trip. I came on this trip to get braver at sharing the gospel especially with people I don't know very well. I am looking forward to meeting the kids in the children's ministry and making balloon animals for them.

I feel like He is teaching me to trust in Him more especially because I am here without my family. And also being more bold to speak up with other team members.

Petra Bible Church, Managua



Packing bins
Lunch at Petra Managua

Quick stop on the way to Rivas to board the ferry

Quick stop on the way to Rivas to board the ferry!

From Levi Finch, Junior:
I thought it was cool what Pastor Hamilton talked at orientation about because it really applied to our situation. He was talking about how only we are going to be here for a short time but how God can really use us to make a difference in the lives of the people here.  It was also cool to see Amber and some of the other team members talking to people on the boat about the Lord so early on in the trip.

I am really looking forward to building relationships with the Nicaraguans as we go through the remainder of our time here!

From Janelle Johnson, Foothills Christian Parent on Vision Trip with Heritage team:
I really appreciated Pastor Hamilton’s explanation of Paul’s visit with the Thessalonians at our orientation this morning and how the Gospel is powerful to change people’s hearts even in a very short amount of time. I came on this trip to seek the Lord about whether He would have Foothills Christian send a team down to Nicaragua next year. It has been so amazing to meet brothers and sisters in Christ and know that we are all part of God’s family, even though we don’t all speak the same language. I am excited to see how He will continue to work, as our teams go out tomorrow and the rest of the week.
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes." Romans 1:16

On way to Ometepe!
On the way to Ometepe!

On the way to Ometepe!

On the way to Ometepe

Stephen and Alex's titanic pose :)

On the way to Ometepe

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