Friday, March 1, 2019

Village Ministry Day 2

From Seth and Cassidy - 
Hola! Today we went to the 46 Village. First, we heard the testimony of Ronnie, the pastor in the village. It was encouraging to hear how God worked in his life to bring him out of drugs and violence to Christ and how on fire he is now for the gospel. God is all powerful! It is also encouraging how God is starting to bring fruit to his ministry in the village and how much he cares about the people. After hearing his testimony, we went house to house and shared the gospel for a few hours with all the people that we met. We also shared the Word with many of the kids through skits, music, crafts and games in the afternoon.

We also had a couple funny moments …first when we realized all the lunches were back at the hotel instead of in the bus at the village and second when we fit eleven of us in a five person car for a bathroom run. Luckily we were able to retrieve the food and all survived the car ride ;)

Stephen and Parker sharing the gospel with the Evangecube

Eli, Sheylah and Kami during craft time

Shelbea and Kailey with some of the kiddos

At one of the houses we visited

From Seth - 
Before the trip when we were doing training, I was nervous about the trip because it was going to be different than what I had experienced before, especially sharing the gospel and my testimony through interpreters. What God has shown me through the last couple days of ministering to the people here is that it really makes you realize that others need the gospel and when we are willing to share the gospel, we can walk away with joy because we know we are being obedient to Christ. Knowing that you are saved and that you have Good News for them is a joyful experience!


From Cassidy - 
When we arrived to the hotel the first evening, I was welcomed by a huge cockroach in my room, and I wondered what I had gotten myself into! I was complaining to my mom about it and about all the other bugs in our room, (I think my exact words were, “Mom, I am not sleeping with a cockroach!), but after visiting the villages I realized that I am so blessed.

I began to look at my life with a different perspective. Anything that I would usually have complained about, I thanked God for. At first when we entered the village, I thought they would hate us because we come from a very materialistic culture, but the people were filled with joy when they saw us! Even though they had little materially, they were so content only having Jesus. Also, the joy that the children showed when we played with them was so amazing. I’m looking forward to seeing God continue to go before us the rest of the week!


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