Day 1 – March 10
So, what is it that causes a sleepless night? Excited anticipation of
the trip? Fretful worry of forgetting something or leaving something undone?
Raw nerves at the thought of flying? Another attack of the enemy as he realizes
that, despite some of his best efforts to discourage, this trip and mission is
going to happen? Whatever the reason(s) for a short night for several of the
team, we all managed to arrive at the airport with the dawn.
We had a quick hop to Salt Lake, then a smooth three plus hour flight
to Atlanta. Well, except for the gusting winds that afforded us a little
excitement upon landing. Whoo hoo!
A simple act of our team handing a bag of Hershey’s kisses to a flight attendant in gratitude for their service can speak volumes to them of the love of Jesus. The team was encouraged when the attendants showed their appreciation by unexpectedly announcing over the loudspeaker about our mission trip at the end of the flight, drawing applause from the cabin!
Our three and a half hour layover allowed time for lunch, Uno,
devotions, visiting with another team, coloring, planking and hugs from dad!
Spring break. Tis the season for mission trips. We talked with a large
group from Kansas on their way to Ecuador. Another group we talked with at
lunch is on their way from Ontario to Mexico. Then there were two groups on our
flight to Managua. One, from Ontario, is going into Nicaragua to build and work
in an orphanage. The other group from Grand Rapids is going down to do medical
work in the northeastern part of the country.
What a blessing and encouragement to see the Body of Christ reaching out
and showing His love and grace in practical, tangible ways in so many places.
Aargh! The third leg of the trip didn’t begin a stellar fashion for me.
Just before heading down the jetway to the plane, I had to quickly retrieve
something from my carry-on book bag. I didn’t realize until I reached my seat
that I had accidently popped open the cover on my almost full water bottle…
which had gotten tipped downward… inside the bag.
The four hour flight over the Gulf of Mexico and Mexico put us into Managua around 8:30. While waiting for the bins to come out on the carousel, we prayed that they would go through customs without any problem. When we got to that point, they opened three or four then waved the rest on through. We were glad for that because it’s not uncommon for them to decide they like something for themselves.
Travis, from Project H.O.P.E. was waiting outside for us and soon Eddy
pulled up with the bus. About a 40 minute ride to the base, or compound, and…. WE’RE
Thanks so much for your prayer for us today; you don’t know how much it
means to us!
Pat Goede
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