Back row: Matthew Tofslie, Anthony Gossack, Kaleb Biladieu, Kallee Brownlee, Marilee Kneeland
Middle row: Brian Robertus, Daniel Moore, Baylee VanWinkle, Brittnee Madill, Ryan Westlake, Landa Heys, DeWin Madill, Gerry Goede
Front row: Pat Goede, Linda Kneeland, Cara Robertus, Michelle Simpson, Alethia Heide, John Jardstrom
Hola! from Nicaragua!It was a long day of travel, but God was good in giving us good flights and long, enjoyable layovers. When you're moving a group of 21, you need long layovers.
Lots of walking and juggling filled the time. And God blessed us by allowing us to retrieve a left-behind cell phone and a passport!
We arrived in Managua just after 10:00 pm, tired but excited. Customs was a breeze and the Project HOPE team was waiting for us with big smiles and friendly hugs. And water.
After the bus ride to the compound, some snacks and debriefing (and more water), we hit our pillows after midnight, knowing it was going to be a short night. But we were excited, because after the two 3-year olds on the last flight shouted, "We're in Nicaragua!"
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