Monday, February 20, 2017

One Week!

In just one week, we will arrive at the airport in the wee morning hours (4:00 a.m.) to check in, have a time of prayer, get through TSA and then wait for our 5:40 a.m. departure.

We're all pretty excited (well, maybe not so much about that 4:00 a.m. thing) and so looking forward to seeing what Jesus is going to do through us in Nicaragua.

We had a great team retreat this past weekend, which really helped to begin the bonding process. We lugged our sleeping bags, pads/mattresses, pillows, Bibles, notebooks, etc. into the school about 6:00 p.m. Yay, sleepover!

Our 18 hours together were spent in prayer, singing (yes, in Spanish), eating (of course!),

discussing how to work through conflict, discussing the travel and cultural logistics, team building exercises and trust building exercises.


(In this trust building exercise, one team member was blindfolded while the partner had to direct them through a course using only Spanish directional words. We did pretty well... only one person ran into a wall when the directing partner couldn't remember the word for "stop" (alto).  ;o) )

We also practiced the two skits and signing song and packed about 20 tubs full of clothing, toiletries, towels, toys, peanut butter, Ranch dressing, sheets and pillowcases.

This coming week will be busy with school, basketball tournaments and last minute packing.

In the last post, it was mentioned that the team would be introduced here. I apologize that illness kept yours truly from gathering pictures and info for that. So you will meet everyone in a coming post.

We deeply desire that you would lift this team to the Throne this week for God's work and way. Some needs that we have are:
1) Several of the team members are ill, please pray for recovery before our long day of travel.
2) That each team member would be watching for ways to step out of their comfort zone and share the gospel this week here at home. (If we can't do it here, how can we expect to do it there?)
3) That God will expedite all our luggage and tubs through customs without any issues or confiscation. (It's a third world country, sometimes when they open a tub they may like something they see and take it.)
4) That God will build servant hearts in each of us to love and serve the Nicaraguan people.

This Wednesday (22nd) there will be a prayer time for the trip and team during chapel and all invited to join. It will start at 8:05 a.m. in the gym.

Thank you so much for your prayer and support!

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