Sunday, February 8, 2015

Three Week Countdown

In three weeks the Heritage Christian School Mission team will be leaving for Managua, Nicaragua. There will be 21 team members on this trip (12 students, 9 adults). We are looking forward to what God will do in each one of our lives. Our prayer is that God will direct our hearts before, during, and after the trip, and allow us to share His love with everyone we come in contact with.

We will leave Bozeman at 6:00 a.m. on Monday, March 2 and return Tuesday, March 10 at 9:29 p.m. During the trip, we will try to enter the day's activities and blessings on this blog each evening (except March 2 and 10, as we travel these days). You can sign up for email alerts through the "Follow By Email" button on the right. You can communicate with us through this blog by clicking on the Comments at the end of the entry and follow the instructions. Or you can send an email to

Please lift us to God in prayer these coming three weeks as we prepare and during the week we are there ministering.